My new life as a transexual

Posts tagged ‘blood test’

Dr’s Office Fun

This is from last Thursday. I was going to post it then but they had no wifi service in the building. I am still waiting for my results.

I have been relatively lucky to be in rather good health. Well not so much right now. I have been feeljng fatigued for a few months and it is effecting my work. I work in sales and I’m in front of a computer all day and that doesn’t help. I have started nodding off at inapropriate times. So here I am trying to find out why. I am also going to try and get my baseline bloodwork done. I showed the doctor my laundry list of tests and he approved most of them. Now I am just waiting for the vampire to come and draw it out of me.

I am a little stressed out because I have some nasty things waiting for me back at my desk. I guess that is not helping my blood pressure at all since it is higher than it has ever been. Not dangerous yet but enough for me to worry about it. Which I gather is only going to make it worse.

What good luck. My doctor has had a trans patient before. He is at least aware of HRT an what is involved. He said after my bloodwork is done we can talk about a referral to an endocrinologist.

Well 7 vials of blood later and a tetanus booster I am on my way. I won’t get my results back for almost a week so I’ll update this post then.

On the upside, I always thought I was 5’4″ actually I am 5’6″. That’s almost 6′ in my favorite patent pumps, joy!