My new life as a transexual

Posts tagged ‘Dancing with the stars’

News article: Trans community reaction to Chaz on DWTS

For anyone who is interested here is the link to the news article I participated in this last Friday.

Quickie: Yours truly can’t keep her big mouth shut

I went to support group tonight. Our moderator had warned us that a reporter would be there to aak us questions about the trans community. Specifically she wanted to know how we felt about the Chaz Bono ” Dancing with the Stars” controversy. Her focus was about Chaz’s going public with being transgender and if it is a good thing for the community. Yes and no we said. Unfortunately I had to get in my two cents. Not many of us were talking so I let loose. Well, after the meeting the reporter came up to me and asked if she could do a human interest story about my life and transition. I told her I would think about it.

The current article from tonight’s discussion should be online next week. I’ll post a link for anyone who is interested.